The Colour of Sound and Practise-Led Research
In Masters of Creative Industries, we have been asked to participate in practise-led research. Due to the self-directed nature of the assignment, I have chosen to focus on my interest in Synaesthesia.
To assist us in formulating our question or particular enquiry we have been encouraged to visualise and mind map our area of enquiry. My below mind map details various areas that I feel explain the similarities and differences between sound and light, and further, detail the various parties that have put forward fixed relationship patterns between musical note and colour.
Fortunately, this particular course focuses on practise-led research, so despite these various areas of possible research, I will be investigating Synaesthesia through a more subjective practise-led enquiry. The end goal is hoped to be the development of a personal colour palette where a variety of sounds and musical notes are mapped to colour.