They say in Hollywood, never work with children or animals

A mischievous voice-over session…
When we worked past their bedtime, the talent certainly became unruly

Royal Chant version 2.0

Back in 2015 I recorded and mixed a bunch of tracks for Royal Chant LP – The War Cry of Failure.

Stereo percussion & microphone techniques

A few weeks ago I gave my SAE students a studio practical in stereo microphone techniques and microphone pairs.

New Band Member

Music – Shape – Colour Opening Night

Last week was the opening night of my exhibition Music – Shape – Colour. The exhibition contained works visualising music and sound through a variety of media.

The Dead Riders team up with David Nicholas

Young Sydney-based 3 piece, The Dead Riders are teaming up with Aussie engineering legend David Nicholas from Rhinoceros Music .

Music, Shape and Colour – Practice-based Research

The term synesthesia (Greek: syn = together, aesthesia = sensation) has been used to describe a wide variety of phenomena. Most commonly, it is used to denote a condition in which stimulation in one sensory modality also gives rise to an experience in a different modality.

A 7 day Voyage

Last week I finished a long 7 day voyage down at Music Feeds Studio engineering for a new Voyager LP with Nashville producer Brian T. Murphy.

The Colour of Sound and Practise-Led Research

In Masters of Creative Industries, we have been asked to participate in practise-led research. Due to the self-directed nature of the assignment, I have chosen to focus on my interest in Synaesthesia.

Masters – CIM 406 – Creative Inquiry – WK 2 – Self-Portrait

My self-portrait for CIM 406 Creative Inquiry this week is a quick visualisation of a track called Cold Outside by one of my new sonic aliases, TEChSLo.